Thursday, October 14, 2010

Termite Colony Observations!

During our unit of studying termites and how they live and function, we watched some of our own termites build a colony as we observed them week to week.

In our jar, we kept:
120 grams of silica sand
18 ml of water
1 small piece of Douglas Fir

8/18/10 Initial observation: They all look similar in size, my estimation of the population would be 45 termites; the majority of them seem to be eating.

8/23/10 Second observation: They haven't eaten much wood, but they have created homes and trails/routine walkways.

8/30/10 Third Observation: They have eaten through the knot in the wood chip, and have continued to make their trails-few have died.

The termites reacted rather well after their homes were upturned by human interaction. They kept working hard to use make trails.
I thought this unit was prettty cool; some of it was gross, but it was all very informing and useful to our everyday lives. My least favorite part was killing the little termite. My favorite part was making the big glittery poster full of termite facts.