Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Geocaching Experience

Geocaching is a treasure hunting game that involves a lot of today's technology. The idea is to find hidden containers using GPS devices in places near you. When you locate a cache, you sign the log book, and can take an item from the cache if you replace it with something of equal or greater value. There are many sizes of caches, so follow the hints carefully.

The beauty of this game is that there are more than a million geocaches hidden worldwide, so you can have fun finding them on your vacations as well! To get the coordinates, go to http://www.geocaching.com and sign up for a free account.

I think that what I summarized above kind of epitomizes my understanding of geocaching. I had seen it before in a movie, but I didn't know what it was exactly until we did this unit. I learned some about how to use a GPS as well, but I have a feeling I won't really retain that information. I figure the only GPS I'll be needing is the one in my phone.

I was on team 2 from Period 4, and we tied with team 1. Both team foud 3 caches each. I'm very proud of us all for winning the competition as a class rather than a team. The first time we went out looking for geocaches,  our class didn't find any. That was kind of discouraging. Knowing that all of the classes before us had at least found one motivated me to find more! I even ended up almost having fun on our last outing.

Geocache 1:

Geocache 2:

Geocache 3: